Residential, Commercial and Industrial painting
We specialize in residential, commercial, and industrial painting. No project is too big, or too small. Whether you need your new deck stained, wallpaper removed, or want a brand-new color for your siding, Accent Paint can help.
Residential Interior & Exterior Painting
We know that inviting contractors into your home to paint is an act of trust. We earn our customer’s trust by making sure your painting project is completed correctly, promptly and with minimal interruption.
Accent Finishing uses the right tools and equipment for the job, as well as high-quality Porter Paints to ensure consistently good results. In addition, we prepare the surface carefully. We know that prep work is the most important part of any paint job! The end result is a pleasant experience and a beautiful paint job you can enjoy for years to come.
Deck Staining
For deck staining projects, we start by power washing the surface to clean and prepare it for the finish. Don’t worry. Accent Finishing exercises care and will not damage the surface being washed, or allow water to intrude the building.
Deck Finishing Restoration
If your deck is in need of serious restoration, we may need to use other processes to prepare the deck. This may include stripping the deck with chemical removers, pressure washing and/or mechanically sanding it before we apply the new sealers, stains or paints.
Commercial Interior & Exterior Painting
Commercial paint projects present a unique challenge, Often, the production schedule must work around the business hours and business needs of the tenants. That is why choosing the right commercial painting contractor is such an important decision. To deliver top-notch paint service, Accent Finishing coordinates with on-site managers and tenants, working hard to minimize disruption. Our crew is flexible, keeping the project on target and limiting the number of painting days. Sometimes painting is done at night, sometimes weekends work best. Whatever the case may be, Accent Finishing consistently stays on top of the project to the end.
Accent Finishing completes countless interior and exterior commercial paint projects every year. Our commercial clients include:
- car dealerships,
- warehouses,
- funeral homes,
- medical centers,
- retail stores,
- schools,
- restaurants,
- law offices,
- lobbies,
- banks,
- government buildings,
- nursing homes,
- hospitals,
- museums,
- utility companies,
- grocery stores and
- churches.
Industrial painting
For industrial jobs, Accent Finishing is well positioned. We have the only Blast Trac shot-blasting machine in the Chippewa Valley. No project is too big!
Call us for all your industrial painting needs including:
- all machinery,
- epoxy coatings, or
- maintenance of your entire production floor.
I have a home in Spooner Wisconsin. 1121 Superior Street. Zip code of 54801. I was wondering if you provide service in my area. I am about 90 miles from your store.
Hi Randy, I will have someone from the store email you to respond to your question.
Hello, I need my kitchen cabinets and trims of the main level of my house painted to a glossy white color. Is this something you can handle
Please contact the store directly or fill out a contact form on the website for service, THanks.